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B A C K G R O U N D :


Deemed the "eyesore of Enfield Road" for years, the 25-unit condo project nestled in the quaint Old West Austin Neighborhood stalled in 2007 because of legal and financial issues with the developer. It was graffiti-ridden and vandalized, creating daily conversations surrounding "who will take this on and finish it." Rance Clouse saw an opportunity and ran the numbers (then ran them again) to make it one of Enfield's most eye-catching buildings.


C H A L L E N G E :


To take on someone else's incomplete thought, finish the design & incorporate green, energy-efficient features throughout the building. 


O U R  A P P R O A C H :

Our approach was simple: de-construct of existing conditions (framing, mechanicals, plumbing, electrical, etc.) to the core building structure. Then, understand the vision of the new project and its potential impact on the neighborhood and allow the latitude to apply creativity to the problem-solving process. Finally, maintain high-quality construction methods and incorporate several features such as photovoltaic solar power generation for each individual condominium, commercial glass, foam insulation, tankless water heaters, 100% LED lighting, and native limestone.

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Pease Place Before.After_Page_2.jpg

Capsa Ventures

3910 S IH 35, Suite 300

Austin TX 78704

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