904 WEST
B A C K G R O U N D :
Located in the “Original Austin Neighborhood,” 904 West was an unassuming two-story apartment building built in the 1960s to house around 30 of Austin's meager 186,000 residents. Over the years, the building had been maintained but was in need of a major overhaul. Rance Clouse purchased the building in 2009 with a significant opportunity in front of him.
C H A L L E N G E :
How do you take a building from the 1960s and make it look new? How do you incorporate the latest energy-efficient amenities and construction methods, as well as a cool industrial aesthetic? And, on one acre of land, how do you maximize space, maximize use (to include commercial space), and convert an apartment building into condominiums for sale?
O U R A P P R O A C H :
Recognizing Austin's growth and zoning changes, 904 West was redeveloped to achieve 33 residential units (nine of them work/live), two commercial spaces & provide parking underground. With remaining space, we included solar panels on the roof, created outdoor cafe space & renovated the pool for every owner and business. Inside residential units, we provided energy-efficient solutions including LED lighting, tankless water heaters, spray-foam insulation, rainwater collection systems, and Low-E glass.